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Home renovations in the winter

Why The Holiday Season Is The Perfect Time For House Renovations

If I said to you that the holiday season is THE time to get renovations done at your house, would you think I was crazy? Many do, trust me!

Most people are busy over the holidays with Christmas shopping, work parties, family gatherings, and then recovering from all those events.

But there is one group of people who AREN’T swept off their feet, and they’re contractors. Coincidentally, the workers who will be doing the outstanding renovations for you. Let’s take a look at why you should book your renovating projects NOW!

Save Money On Your House Renovations

Now you may be wondering why projects would be cheaper during the holiday break. If anything, you might have thought that they would increase in price. It’s the exact opposite.

  • Materials are often cheaper during the off-season, so this will have a roll-on effect on what you’ll be charged.
  • You might be able to get a tax write-off or tax rebate on some of the energy-efficient additions involved with the remodeling project. Who wouldn’t want that??
  • Home improvement stores often have sales at this time of year as it’s the off-season, and they need to eliminate surplus stock.

Impress Family and Friends

With all the catch-ups and family gatherings you’re bound to have over the holiday, it’s the perfect time to show off your renovations to those you love. There’s always that one person who picks up the smallest thing when they come over to your home. Prevent them from making that annoying comment and impress them instead 😉

Having a “big reveal” during the holiday season will add extra sparkle during the holidays.

Increase The Value Of Your Home

You never want to miss an opportunity of adding value to something, particularly with the current economic climate that we’re in. Adding value to your home will increase your equity which is always a bonus.

Renovating your kitchen or bathroom can significantly increase the value of your home. We often spend a lot of time in our kitchen areas (particularly if you have a kitchen/dining area). Instead of just having a ‘standard’ bathroom where it does the job, why not have a bathroom that you love looking at?

A large bath in which you can relax in and get away from the kids for a while. His and Hers basins and cupboards, so you have your area. Sounds inviting, doesn’t it?? Colder weather will allow you to focus on these two interior spaces and leave any exterior work to be carried out when the weather starts to warm up.

Realtors have their peak season in the warmer months. For those with children, many wait until they finish school for the year before they move. If you schedule your home improvement project during the winter, you can complete it in time to beat the rush for spring and summer listings.

Business Is Slower For Contractors During Winter

Winter, particularly the holiday period, is the off-season for contractors. Because of this, it’s the perfect time for you to book your home renovation job that you keep putting off. It will be easier to schedule the renovation or home extensions that you need because contractors will have more free time on their hands.

The Weather Is Better During Winter

Contractors like to carry out inside renovation projects during the colder months compared to outdoor remodeling jobs. We all know how cold it can get during fall and winter, and it’s certainly more pleasant to be working indoors.

During summer, the heat can make for uncomfortable working conditions, especially if the used equipment generates additional heat. During the cooler months, it’s easier for contractors to stay comfortable—which means they can focus more on the project without getting distracted.

Additions often mean structural changes to the house, which may require structural reinforcements. Contractors often find it easier to work with dry, hard, and even frozen ground.

A moderate winter can give your contractor an ideal time to pour or repair foundations.

Interior Remodeling

It’s important to know that if you are considering getting your kitchen and/or bathroom renovated, contractors get a lot of requests for these types of jobs during the spring and summer.

If you choose to get these projects done during the winter, you’ll likely move to the top of the waiting list. Sometimes you may need approval from your city, homeowners association, or other authorities. One of the easiest ways to get these kinds of approvals expedited is to submit them when they have a shorter queue of requests.

As you can see, there are several reasons why it’s beneficial to get home renovations done during the fall and winter. It’s not often thought of to do it at this time of year, so the normal ‘waiting’ time is likely to be A LOT shorter than what you would think. Give it some thought (but don’t think for too long 😉), and then contact us for a free quote.

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